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  • JosephWrica

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  • MartinFlund

    Bungee jumping is not considered dangerous and the fatality rate is quite low. Recent National Center for Health Statistics reports indicate that there is only approximately 1 death per 500,000 jumps. According to the American Council on Science and Health, you are more likely to die while hiking in the mountains, biking, or skydiving than bungee jumping.

    Grand Gables Inn Impact of weather: Adverse weather conditions such as strong winds, thunderstorms, or low visibility can significantly increase the likelihood of skydiving accidents. Unfavorable weather not only affects the ability of instructors and jumpers to make safe decisions but also impairs parachute deployment and landing procedures.

    Some behavioral psychologists reckon that we are trained to be scared of heights through bad childhood experiences (a particularly bad fall), and from our parents sternly telling us to keep away from large heights.

    7. Observe others: Take advantage of watching other experienced indoor skydivers before your turn. They can provide valuable insights into different techniques, body positions, or advanced maneuvers that could enhance your own skillset and reduce any chances of mishaps.

    Is Bungee Jumping Safe for Seniors?

    The cost for a first AFF jump runs $225-$300. A complete A-License package runs between $2000-$3500.

    Terminal velocity can be calculated using a complex formula that takes into account the mass of the skydiver and the area, or the proportion of their body that is acted upon by air resistance as they fall.

    Using special wrist-mounted, high-resolution cameras, our instructors capture your entire skydive experience. So you can show everyone the magic of the moment – and the sheer lunacy of your freefall face. Add your video package to your booking during checkout, or purchase at the drop zone on the day of your skydive!

    The minimum age is 18 years old, no exceptions, no parental consent.

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