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Help us recycle -

Help us recycling our bottles and we help you save in your next fragrance  Now we offer a discount when you bring your empty bottle and you can get a new scent or just get the same one. Help us make Fragrance Crafters more green and help our world to be better for us.  Meeting our environmental responsibilities - be it at a domestic or business level - is more pressing than ever. Landfills are full, and oceans are choking. A recent report revealed that Americans are throwing away 230 million tons of waste each year - more than any...

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  Stop in any perfume shop, and you’re bound to find small bowls of coffee beans set between various fragrances. A salesperson may advise you to sniff the beans in between smelling multiple scents. It is commonly believed that the smell of coffee beans creates some sort of palate cleanser for your nose, allowing you to continue to smell fragrance after fragrance.   But why would someone need to do that? Olfactory fatigue, or olfactory habituation, is a real thing, and it deserves some attention. Essentially, the olfactory glands in your nose begin to recognize smells after a period of...

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   Your Next Fragrance Is On Us! Are you a fragrance lover ?  Our new customer referral program is designed to help you earn more points towards free bottles fast! Get a free medium spray bottle or roll - on body oil when you refer your co-workers, friends, and family.         Official Rules: Your referral must mention your full name at the time of their fragrance purchase. 2. Receive your free fragrance when you reach three (3) referral points (one point is given     for each referral). 3. Receive a free medium spray bottle or roll - on body oil in...

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Reviews & Testimonials -

   Reviews & Testimonials  

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Tipos de Aromas -

Florales: agrupa todos los aromas de flores como ramos de rosas, flor de azahar y los ramos verdes aldehídos, también el jazmín, la gardenia y el clavel. Este estilo de perfume puede tener una sola esencia de una flor o mezclar varias. Acaramelados: son fragancias dulces como la vainilla y el chocolate y frutales como el durazno, manzana, pera o mango. Son aromas muy refrescantes. Orientales: este tipo de aroma es una mezcla exótica de notas cálidas como el almizcle, la vainilla o la canela con notas de maderas y florales. Especiados: son aromas secos, más amaderados y de tierra, como el musgo de...

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