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Diferencia de esencias a los originales -

Que es la diferencia de nuestras fragancias a los perfumes originales?        R. La diferencia es la presentación, marca y su precio. Nuestras fragancias son 99% similares a los perfumes originales. Nuestras fragancias tienen una larga duración de 12 a 15 horas en la piel 24 horas en la ropa. Las fragancias son hechas a base de esencias de aceite la cual tiene una larga duración. Nuestros precios son un 75% menos que cualquier fragancia que encuentras en centros departamental. Nuestras fragancias Son mezclas de aceites esenciales que se ubican en la misma familia olfativa de los perfumes...

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Best Fragrances For Men -

We change up our cologne almost as much as we change up our wardrobe (read: seasonally). You want to make sure your scent leaves a mark on everyone around you…without being too overpowering. Cologne really has come a long way over the years and there are so many options based on your favorite scents, your personality, time of year, and even time of day you plan on wearing it! Don’t be afraid to take some risks and change up your favorite fragrance from time to time. But what’s it all really mean? S P R I N G 2018 Picks:...

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Videos -

Which one smells better: OILS or SPRAY? Fragancias sin gastar una fortuna Fragance Crafters Como usar tu Fragancia Correctamente  How to Apply our Fragrances  Fragrance Crafters Perfume,Colognes,Body Oils and Perfumes Oils Eau de Toilette vs Eau de Parfum Como hacer que dure mas la fragancia de un perfume Mustras Gratis Fragrance Crafters

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Can A Perfume Fragrance Turn Women On? A big question that runs on every man’s mind. Why wouldn’t it? Being able to attract the opposite s*x is a sign of dominance, acceptance and male authority that runs deep within the male psyche. Women are human beings and Mother Nature’s laws of attraction works for them equally as much as it does for men.Now you have visited every high end branded perfume retailer, to absolute no avail. Time’s short and you wish to seduce the women of your dreams, through an overwhelmingly luscious and delectable fragrance. Have we combined the list for...

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FREE Fragrance -

Thank you for being one of our most loyal clients over the years. It has been our pleasure helping you save money on your favorite Fragrance   We working on building our online presence on the web and as part of this, we are looking for clients to share your experience  . Would you be willing to take one minute to provide us a review on Google and  Facebook?  This will allow those that search for us to understand the value we bring to our clients. If you are willing (a huge thank you!). Click on each link below to provide your review.  *Note:...

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